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Maid & House Cleaning Services
serving Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo, CA
Caravel Cleaning Company

Housekeeping the EASY Way
Having a house cleaning checklist is one way... enlisting help is another... The easiest way... delegate! Pro cleaning services in Ventura

Quick & Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Clean & Tidy
Keeping your home clean and tidy can sometimes feel overwhelming. And if you let things slide for a while, the stress just piles on...

Starting and Ending the New Year with a BANG!
Being specific, realistic, and intentional when making New Year’s resolutions will help you to remain persistent and attain success.

Winter House Cleaning and Maintenance Checklist for Southern California
This winter checklist will help you keep your Southern California home in tip-top shape.

Keepin' My House Clean - It's a Breeze!
Weekly Checklist for House Cleaning - 8 simple things from Caravel Cleaning Company in Oxnard, CA

Move-Out Cleaning – Get Your Deposit Back!
Moving to a new place is so exciting. And it’s even better if you get your full cleaning deposit returned from your previous landlord!

House Cleaning Pro Tip: A Little Cleaning Here and There Adds UP to A Lot of Happy!
A few simple adjustments in your daily routine can help you accomplish the goal of keeping your house clean and tidy, making it a home you c
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