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Maid & House Cleaning Services
serving Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo, CA
Caravel Cleaning Company

House Cleaning can Improve My Love Life?
Yes, house cleaning can improve your love life! Every relationship is unique, but agreeing ...can help create harmony and respect for each

Housekeeping the EASY Way
Having a house cleaning checklist is one way... enlisting help is another... The easiest way... delegate! Pro cleaning services in Ventura

Quick & Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Clean & Tidy
Keeping your home clean and tidy can sometimes feel overwhelming. And if you let things slide for a while, the stress just piles on...

House Cleaning Pro Tips: Cleaning Top 5 Sneaky Spots
Attention Housekeepers in Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Thousand Oaks, or Port Hueneme! What are Your Top 5 Sneaky Spots?

Keepin' My House Clean - It's a Breeze!
Weekly Checklist for House Cleaning - 8 simple things from Caravel Cleaning Company in Oxnard, CA

Looking for Professional Cleaning Services in Oxnard, Ventura, Camarillo, or Port Hueneme?
See what our customers say about Caravel's house cleaning services in Oxnard and Ventura County. "Professional, Trustworthy, Reliable"

House Cleaning Pro Tip: A Place for Everything...
Just removing clutter and keeping your environment clean can help improve your self-esteem by creating a more positive self-image and sense

House Cleaning Pro Tip: A Little Cleaning Here and There Adds UP to A Lot of Happy!
A few simple adjustments in your daily routine can help you accomplish the goal of keeping your house clean and tidy, making it a home you c
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