Maid & House Cleaning Services
serving Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo, CA
Caravel Cleaning Company
Sanitizing Services
in Oxnard CA
and our COVID Policies

Daily verification of all staff members assuring they are experiencing no flu-like symptoms, do not currently have an elevated temperature, and have no known exposure to anyone testing positive to the COVID virus.
All Cleaning Crew members will
Verify neither they, or anyone in their home is experiencing an elevated temperature, flu-like symptoms, or had contact with anyone testing positive for the COVID-19 virus within the past 14 days.
Sanitize their hands prior to entering your home.
Wear recommended face coverings if anyone is present while in your home.
Follow social distancing protocols (we ask if anyone is home during our service, that each room be vacated when we enter it to clean)
Sanitize any equipment we bring into your home prior to entering
The COVID-19 crisis has made us all change the way we do things, and how we see the world around us. We must be diligent regarding our hygiene habits and be more mindful of how we interact with others.
In addition to following all current CDC COVID guidelines, as well as those stipulated for Ventura County and your local municipality, we will do the following to ensure your safety:
Informing us immediately if you, or anyone that has entered the home within 14 days, has experienced flu-like symptoms, an elevated temperature, or had a possible exposure to anyone testing positive for COVID-19.
Wash you hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and participate in local health guidelines regarding the COVID crisis.
Please help us maintain social distancing by vacating any space we are entering to clean if you are present while we service your home.
Properly dispose of any used tissues, regardless of your health condition
In addition to doing our part to keep you safe, we ask that you also help keep our Cleaning Crew safe by:

High Touch Sanitizing Service
A High Touch Sanitizing Service can also be scheduled as an individual service if you are looking for extra peace of mind.
​Using a hospital grade disinfectant, we will:
Sanitize Hand Rails
Equipment Controls (Electronics etc)
Cabinet & Drawer Knobs / Handles
Hard surface Chair Arms
Dresser knobs
Doorknobs (all Interior as well as the Exterior of the door we exit)
Major Appliance Handles and Control Pads
Small Appliance handles Control Pads (coffee pot, toaster – whatever is typically on your kitchen counter)
Light Switches
Counter Tops (kitchen & bath)
Faucet Handles (kitchen & bath)
Door Bell
Please keep all Children and Pets away from areas where the disinfecting process is being performed. While we pride ourselves on being environmentally friendly, and we always use the safest products available, any disinfectant may pose some risk to pets and children while wet.