Uncluttering Your House can Make You Feel Better!
Did you know that just a little organization can help keep your house cleaner? Removing clutter can also help improve your self-esteem by creating a more positive self-image and sense of self-worth. Remembering and practicing “A place for everything, and everything in its place” can help you stay organized and reduce the clutter that makes your home feel messy.
A few simple adjustments in your daily routine can help you accomplish the goal of keeping your house clean and tidy, making it a home you can enjoy.
“A place for everything, and put everything in its place” -1st published in 1799!
10 Tips to Keep Your House Clean and Organized – Reduce the Clutter, Mess, and Stress!
Seriously! It’s easier to put things away than to leave them out! If you don't, you end up looking at the mess every time you walk through the room, probably moving things around several times, only to put them away later! Time management experts will tell you that finishing a task before moving on to the next is one key to efficient time management.
Creating and designating a specific place for the things you use, especially on a daily basis, will help you stay organized and reduce clutter and stress!
Take off your shoes and relax! Have a designated place to put coats, shoes, keys, and bags when you get home.
Taking off your shoes leaves all the dirt and germs there by the door instead of all over your floors (and anywhere else you prop up your feet).
Hanging or placing keys in the same place when you get home makes it easy to find them when you’re hurrying out the door.
Put it away! Whether it’s fixing a meal, doing laundry, or working on homework or a project, once you’re finished, put things where they belong.
For homework, put it in the backpack that you’re taking back to school the next day; find a place close to the door so it’s ready to grab and go!
Hang towels after use to allow them to air dry.
Put dirty clothes in laundry hamper/basket as soon as you take them off.
Assign a space and set a schedule for processing mail, paying bills, and filing.
Stacking daily and tackling weekly works well for many organized people. Others may prefer a set time each day. Shred and recycle all the extra paper and envelopes that you don’t need to file.
Put away groceries and any other items you’ve shopped for as soon as you get home.
These simple tips will help alleviate a lot of "the messiness" and keep you and your home (and your mind) more organized.
Try it out and see! Then let us know in the comments below!

Watch for more house cleaning tips & tricks from the Cleaning Crew at Caravel Cleaning Company in Oxnard, CA - We can't wait to Help You Keep Your Home Shipshape! View cleaning services that we offer.
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